The historic homestead at Ohinetahi required careful reconstruction following the earthquake events of 2010 and 2011. This first entailed the manual deconstruction and removal of the collapsed sections of Oamaru stone, which has subsequently been repurposed to build the outdoor amphitheatre.
Extensive propping was required to ensure a safe worksite during the reestablishment phase of the works, with careful handling of the heritage fabric including Oamaru stone, interior plasterwork, timber framing and panelling, much of which was to be retained.
Reconstruction included adding piles and hand-dug foundations which were tied into the existing foundations, along with the application of 100mm-150mm reinforced concrete skin walls, structural support beams and a new 144m2 ply diaphragm.
Rebuilding of a new lightweight timber framed first floor, utilised traditional methods rather than prefabricated frames or trusses, all timber cut on site to accurately construct the unique and complex geometry of the roofline. Salvaged timber panelling and stonework from the original building was utilised where possible, including the use of historic stonework on upper window surrounds.
Lunds Joinery (Timaru) Ltd provided new joinery throughout the new first floor as well as new trim to match the existing re-fixed trims and doors on the ground floor, which were carefully and skilfully re-fixed by experienced CLS carpenters.
The resulting two storey homestead consists of a reinforced core, accompanied by a lightweight timber framed first floor, featuring stone surrounds and is a testament to its heritage.