C Lund and Son have carried out earthquake strengthening on a number of historic Christchurch Buildings.
Significant conservation and structural work including earthquake strengthening to the main building and chancel.
Significant conservation and structural work including earthquake strengthening to the main building and belltower and restoration work within the belltower.
Restrengthening and seismic upgrade work was substantial. The whole of the interior of Block A was gutted, new skin walls constructed to all exterior load bearing walls and new ground and first floor concrete slabs built with new internal shear walls and supporting structure.
Complete structural upgrade and redevelopment of the main administration and classroom block.
The re-strengthening and structural upgrade of the Old Government Building in Cathedral Square involved extensive seismic strengthening; new skin walls, floor diaphragms, and construction of two new four storey reinforced concrete shear blocks. A complete fit out for serviced apartments followed.